How to increase YouTube engagement?
YouTube engagement is an integral part of your channel’s growth and success.
Focussing on YouTube engagement is perfect to build an authentic and genuine relationship with your viewers and community at large.
They will know that they can rely on you for great content that informs and intrigues them and they will reward you for it by returning and converting.
Now you know how important it is to build a healthy engagement with your audience. Imagine what will happen if you disappoint your viewers and your community.
How bad will it act for your channel growth?
In order to prevent that, you need to learn about YouTube engagement in detail. Today we are going to learn about YouTube engagement.
What is YouTube engagement?
YouTube engagement is when your audience takes action on your YouTube page or on one of your YouTube videos.
Here are a few of the most important actions:
Comments reveal when a video emotionally resonates with viewers.
Which can be good or bad depending on the sentiments of these comments.
Even as a viewer, we post comments to show our appreciation of the video. Comments boost the YouTube engagement a ton.
The more comments you get, the more engagement you gain.
To fetch as many comments as possible, you can ask questions from your viewers and ask them to answer in the comment section. This is one of the top-notch ways of increasing engagement through the comment section.
Shows how much your video is enjoyed by your audience.
Before, there was a dislike option as well, where you could measure the dislike as well. The more likes you get, the more your engagement prospers. This is not a new hack, everyone knows about it.
You can set a like goal for a small reward. For example: “If we hit 5K likes on this video, we are going to do a giveaway this weekend.”
These types of goals work really well and they are used by most of the Top YouTubers.
This shows how often and where your viewers shared the video.
Shares work across a variety of social platforms, like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
You can even. share the link to the video through email and SMS. This is one of the most important engagement factors, as this reflects that your video was engaging enough for people to want to encourage others to watch it.
Subscriber count
YouTube also allows the content creators to dive into whether a video was pleasing enough to attract new subscribers or was disappointing enough to turn off the current followers to unsubscribe from the channel. The metric is a clear indicator to measure your content quality.
These are the metrics that measure the engagement level on your channel. If you are successful in maintaining these satisfyingly, then you may witness some promising results.
Tip: Mid video prayers also perform well. Ask your audience to like, share, subscribe, and comment at least twice in a video.
What is a good engagement on YouTube?
Consistent growth in subscribers, positive feedback in the comment section, a good number of likes and shares are considered good engagement.
How to calculate your YouTube engagement rate?
An expert said, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
YouTube analytics play a crucial role in measuring the engagement rate of your YouTube channel.
One of the most common ways is to measure your engagement rate by reach (ERR)
The percentage of the viewers who interacted with your video or other content after seeing it.
There are two types of engagement rates:
One is Engagement Reach Rate, and the other is Average ERR.
You can calculate ERR through= Total engagements per post/reach per post*100
Average ERR: Tota ERR/Total Posts
Congratulations, you just calculated your engagement rate. The ERR can give you a solid idea of how engaging your videos are across all audiences.
What does a high engagement rate mean?
This basically means you are going to reach cloud nine soon. In simple language, a high engagement rate is a sign that your channel is growing consistently because people don’t interact with boring or terrible content.
If you have a high engagement rate, it means your audience is loving your content and they are convinced enough to share it with others.
Now you know what YouTube engagement is and how vital it is for your YouTube journey.
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