YouTube is helping beings in building their dream careers. There are various reasons behind naming it as a “dream career” be it money, fame, thrill, passion, or whatnot.
YouTube has paid over $2 billion since 2007 to YouTubers! No wonder why everyone is leaving their well-earning jobs and jumping on the platform.
Not everyone is here for the money, some are super passionate about the platform. Some of them flunk in the initial struggling stages of the YouTube journey. But some have that “never giving up” aura, and later they are known as one of the successful YouTubers.
If you are on a YouTube journey, then you might face problems like monetizing your channels, finding branded sponsorships, quality collaborations, or getting YouTube support. If you are facing similar problems, then you should think about joining a YouTube network!
You must be wondering, ‘YouTube network?’ Let us learn…
What is a YouTube Network?
A YouTube network, also known as a “multi-channel network” or “MCN” is an independent business entity that works with creators to grow, monetize, program, and manage their YouTube Channels.
MCNs became popular in the early-2010s when YouTubers started witnessing massive growth through them.
The more YouTubers assembled, the more valuable those companies became.
The logic is pretty simple: when YouTubers started seeing prosperous growth they jumped on the networks as soon as they could. YouTube Network giants, like IGN, Maker Studios, StyleHaul, AwesomenessTV, and Machinima, ended up selling to entertainment entities such as Disney and Warner Bros.
Basically, the YouTube network will act as a mediator between the content creator and parties like YouTube, branded sponsors, biggest influential voices, and many more.
YouTube networks open doors to golden opportunities for content creators.
Now a frequently asked question:
Why do YouTubers join a network?
In the beginning, content creators usually start their YouTube journey on their own. Managing the channel, looking for sponsorships, collaborations, monetizing campaigns, visibility measures, and whatnot.
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When the creator learns that the channel cannot be grown solely and they need exposure, then they go for the YouTube Networks.
The reason behind opting for the Youtube network is nothing, but the variety of services at one stop.
If someone is having issues in managing the channel, lacking visibility, incapacity of monetizing the channel, having problems finding sponsors or collaborations, having big issues with YouTube-like channel bans, copyrights, strikes, etc.
The YouTube network act as a supermarket for content creators.
Benefits of joining a YouTube Network
As we are enlightened by the fact that YouTube Networks helped numerous YouTubers in making big in the industry. So now let’s discuss the key points on how YouTube networks function to uplift the content creators:
Production houses
Some of the larger networks have their own production houses that YouTubers can use for shooting and editing content. Production houses like IGN and maker studios invite big as well as small YouTubers to do challenges, create entertaining content, and whatnot!
If you are looking for professional cinematography, editing, lighting, perfect sets, etc. Then joining a larger YouTube Network would be a good option for you.
YouTube Support
YouTube does not “endorse” the MCNs on the platform, they do offer a list of certified providers.
YouTube networks help in resolving issues with YouTube. Channel bans, strikes, copyrights, etc. can be handled well if you are partnered with a larger YouTube network. YouTube networks work as an arbitrator between the content creators and the platform to resolve the issues.
Youtube networks can offer creators assistance with growing, managing, programming, and monetizing their channels.
Like what else do you need? You can completely focus on content creation or improving your content, and the YouTube network will act as a guardian to you.
In an initiative to migrate audiences from one channel to another, MCNs create opportunities for collaboration between different in-network talent. For a small YouTuber working with a larger influencer on the platform, this can be hugely beneficial.
As Networks have relations with all the big and famous people in the industry, businesses look for sponsor video content on YouTube. This can mean more exposure and brand partnership opportunities than might be achieved as an independent channel.
NOTE: Don’t go for a YouTube network if you have a limited budget for your channel. MCNs look to get as many potentially profitable creators on their network as possible, In some cases, MCNs have had as many as 50,000 channels signed to their network.
This can be good for the network but can compromise the attention required to individual channels. Basically, they acquire a profit share in your revenue, so if you are a newbie then you won’t be able to get a profitable result.
That’s all for today! If you are done reading this, You can learn about “What is a YouTube Cash Cow Channel?”.