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What is better? Facebook Ads or TikTok Ads

Social media marketing is one of the most influential and powerful modes of advertisements in today’s era, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok has their own adversiting platforms.

Social Media has become an important virtual space where the platforms are not only used for social networking but are also great for digitally advertising your brand or products.

Nothing can be better than these social media networks, where most users spend a larger chunk of their time on social media day and night.

Facebook is one of the dominant platforms in the advertising industry for a long time, helping many people make millions out of their businesses. Facebook realized they are establishing a monopoly, which made them increase their prices when advertising.

While Facebook was trying to establish a monopoly, TikTok comes into the field and starts taking over the business from Facebook. TikTok has a huge audience because of its user-generated entertaining content.

TikTok is also helping many to create fortunes out of their businesses through advertisements. This platform works on user-generated content which demands patience and consistency.

What are the differences between the platforms?

First, let’s have a look at the key takeaways

  • TikTok and Facebook (Instagram) are great for targeting young audiences.
  • Mainly the costs are lower on TikTok.
  • Facebook and Instagram offer more options- TikTok is still very new.
  • TikTok doesn’t have proper conversion tracking yet, so optimize for clicks and views.
  • 99% of the TikTok ads run on the iOS
  • TikTok has a lot of new creative options.
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The Major differences between Facebook ads and TikTok


Monthly active users on Facebook are greater than TikTok. Facebook and Instagram have 3500 Million users while TikTok only has 800 Million.

More Creative Option

TikTok is new which results in new types of advertising methods while Facebook and Instagram are still using the old methods.

Desktop Ads

TikTok doesn’t have desktop ads, while Facebook and Instagram have desktop ads.

Are TikTok ads cheaper than Facebook ads?

To test it out, we ran a couple of test ads on both Facebook and TikTok to get a better idea of the costs of both the social media ad platforms.

“The crucial factor that dictates CPM (Cost per Impression) is what you choose an objective for your campaign”. Based on our experience, prospecting traffic on TikTok is $1 per 1,000 impressions, conversions between $2-3, and remarketing goes up to $5 for 1000 impressions.

On Facebook, previously mentioned strategies are more expensive, sometimes up to 20 times compared to TikTok. “How expensive your ads on Facebook will depend upon your niche company is in”, Facebook knows its users pretty well while TikTok is still building its data, which can be seen on both the platforms.

As TikTok has a smaller audience size compared to Facebook and Instagram, this is also the reason TikTok is quite cheaper than Facebook.

Are TikTok ads better than Facebook ads for a small business?

Most brands use Facebook ads to grow their businesses. That means the competition is higher. When I first had the idea of running TikTok ads, there were few barriers to enter.

Don’t overthink TikTok ads. They are more powerful than you think. Try it, play around, and get fresh eyes on the brand.

As we already discussed above, TikTok is cheaper than Facebook so small businesses can try their hand on TikTok, but one thing has to be kept in mind while jumping on TikTok one has to be Creative. 

We can help you by giving you a kick-start. You can buy genuine fans and likes from us and you can give your full attention to making content. You can check it here- https://www.eazysmm.com/product/buy-tiktok-fans-likes/

Are TikTok ads better than Facebook ads?

TikTok vs Facebook Advertising- Who is the final winner here?

Well, we will not lie – it depends!

Facebook still does a superb job, especially with an older audience.

We propose another question here. Are TikTok ads really worth it? HECK YES! The reality is TikTok will keep growing, and it’s definitely a place to be there now.

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