Your social media presence can be off due to many reasons. One of them could be a lack of engagement.
If your followers are not engaged, your social media accounts won’t grow!
How can you boost your brand’s online presence?
Social media marketing it’s indeed important and can be the source of valuable web traffic and new leads for your business.
But it can be hard to establish a presence on social media with so much competition around you.
In today’s article, we’ll show you some tactics anyone with an online business should consider doing to increment their chances of being successful on social media.
Tips to Get More Engaged Followers on Social Media
Concentrate Your Efforts
The tendency for many businesses that want to be on social media is to create a profile on every social media site imaginable.
But this is spreading yourself too thin and will not get you the results you want.
Indeed, maintaining a social media profile is hard and time-consuming.
You need to not only think about what are you going to post, but also to actually create and schedule the posts.
And later, you have to deal with replying to comments and messages from your followers, while interacting with other accounts in your niche to get your profile out there to new audiences.
If you have multiple social media profiles, it means that your work compounds.
Instead, you will have better success chances if you analyze carefully where your specific audience hangs out online.
For example, if your audience is primarily young American women and you have a recipe website, your best bet would be Pinterest.
Choose only 1-2 social media sites to start, and concentrate all your efforts on them.
Optimize Your Social Media Profiles
Take a hard look at your profiles. Are they up-to-date? Are they appealing?
Your profile is the first impression every potential follower has from you. If their first impression is a bad one, probably they won’t bother to even look at your content or follow you.
Make sure your profile and cover picture are up-to-date.
Craft a compelling bio or description for your brand.
Fill out all the fields of your profile. This is very important and increases trust among your followers.
Give your social media profiles a quick clean-up and make sure they are ready for new people to visit them.
Add Value!
This is the single most important rule for social media marketing.
No matter what social media platform you use, people will follow you only if you give them something valuable to consume.
But, how do you know what is valuable for your followers?
Well, by knowing your audience.
What’s your niche? What are the audience’s characteristics in that niche?
What do they like, and what do they dislike? What are their pain points? What does your brand help them to solve?
These questions are probably answered if you have any sort of marketing strategy. Make sure to implement these answers to your social media profiles as well.
You can evaluate competitors’ content to see what posts have the best engagement rates. Note the topic and what they convey.
You will start seeing patterns in no time, and over time you will learn what your followers love to see on social media.
And lastly, make sure not to talk only about yourself.
It’s okay to self-promote sometimes, but if all of your posts are to talk about your brand, people will stop following you.
People want social media accounts that help them and care for them sharing valuable information. Spammy accounts go simply unnoticed.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
You’ve heard of the saying work smarter, not harder, right?
Neither posting too little nor too much will help you succeed on social media.
You have to find the perfect balance.
And how do you do that?
The answer is simple: by planning ahead.
Create a content calendar each month, that includes what are you going to post, and when.
This allows you to save a tremendous amount of time. You could even dedicate a day or two a month to produce all of your social media content.
You produce the content, schedule the post, and the different platforms will publish it automatically.
The only task for you left to do each day is to allocate maybe an hour to reply to comments and engage with other accounts.
This is, for me, the definition of working smarter, not harder on social media marketing.
And always remember: is better to post less but to provide higher-value content. Posting all day long useless content will do nothing to improve your results.
Find Your Best Times to Post
What are the best times to post on social media?
To me, this is an almost impossible question to answer.
It depends on so many factors: what platform are you using, your niche, how the audience in that niche behaves inside that specific platform, among other things.
I’d say don’t trust specific hours to post.
Your best bet is to experiment based on data.
Look at your analytics in each of your social media accounts: what are the times your audience is most active?
Try to publish in these hours, but keep in mind that the engagement you get will depend on the type of post as well.
Take note of your best-performing posts and see what may have caused the high engagement rate.
Replicate what you have found in your new posts.
This is the best way to improve results on social media: act, learn, iterate, improve.
Promote Your Profiles Everywhere
Everywhere your brand appears online should include your social media accounts as well, especially on your company website and in all emails.
In your blog, for example, consider adding social media buttons so users can effortlessly like or follow you without leaving what they are reading at the moment.
If you don’t promote your accounts, users won’t know they exist. Encourage them to follow you with a simple but appealing call to action.
What do your social media accounts can offer them? Make it clear in your messaging!
Social media growth it’s hard.
But once you start to know your audience and niche, and once you identify what your followers like and what to post, it gets easier (I promise!).
Follow the tips on this article to give a boost to your social media accounts.
If you need help on anything regarding YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram, don’t hesitate to contact us!
We provide quick social media growth by only using organic marketing tactics. All the results we provide comes from real people and generates genuine engagement.
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